
Worked Category Examples

Worked Category Examples

There's many ways to use categories and often more than one way to achieve the same goal. This can make it hard to know the best approach so we've detailed examples below to help give a steer on what might be the best methodology for your use case!

Nested vs Linked Categories

One way of defining a relationship between categories is to add multiple categories to the same variable and instead create a nested relationship.

Another is to link them together as explained here.

To illustrate the difference we have examples of a Vendor Template using both approaches.

Nested Approach

Here the Itemised Vendor category and Department category have no direct relationship and instead are both added to the Inputs where the user can define the inputs for each combination of category items. See model.

Linked Approach

Here the Itemised Vendor category and Department category have a direct linked relationship and each combination of items must have its own row from the primary Itemised Vendor category. See model.

Common Use Cases

  • Project Based Utilisation and Profitability

    Here the template shows how to build up a Project Based Utilisation and Profitability model by Project and Role using the Nested approach. See model.