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See your MRR, churn, expansion revenue, and more.

Causal is excited to offer a Stripe integration, with an MRR report wizard, that allows you to dig into your MRR (and movements in MRR) over time.

On your Causal homepage, hit New Model (or quick start), and select the "Stripe MRR Report" -> connect to your Stripe -> and we'll generate the dashboard and model for you shortly.

Drill-down into your Total MRR each month to see the breakdown by customer and product, and drill-down to the MRR movements (e.g. Churned MRR) to see the breakdown by customer. The drill-down page also includes links to each customer's page in Stripe.

How does Causal calculate MRR?

  • Causal considers all Paid and Open invoices that are linked to an active subscription, towards MRR.
    • This excludes any invoices that are marked as Uncollectible or Void, and excludes invoices that are disputed (unless the dispute was won).
  • Causal subtracts discounts, taxes, refunds, and credit notes.
  • An invoice is counted as MRR in the month, if the invoice period includes the last day of the month (e.g. Feb-2024's MRR number will include all invoices with a period including 29 Feb 2024).
  • If the subscription period is not monthly, invoice amounts are pro-rated across the invoice period (i.e. annual invoice amounts are divided by 12 to get the Total MRR for each month in the period).
    • Usage-based invoices are not pro-rated, Causal allocates all usage-based charges to the month that they occur in.
  • For future months of non-cancelled subscriptions, where an invoice has not yet been issued, Causal will bring forward the amount from the most recent month into future months.
    • This is important as otherwise you would see churn or down-sells simply because an invoice had not yet been issued.
    • For usage-based subscriptions, we assume the usage from the most recent month continues.
    • MRR changes will only be visible once an invoice is issued.

Additional options

Please reach out to us if you'd like to turn on either of the following options, to ensure the cleanliness of your Stripe data in Causal. Note that this does not edit anything in Stripe, it simply ensures your MRR data is more accurate in Causal.

  • Cancel subscriptions whose invoices are past their due date for over # days
  • Mark invoice that are past due as uncollectible after # days
  • Ignore customers that have no paid invoices